On Thursday, September 22nd, Greenagers welcomed students from 5 regional Berkshire County high schools to April Hill for our first Women in Conservation and Agriculture Conference. Students participated in a variety of workshops ranging from from tree climbing to turtle tracking. The weather didn’t keep us from an eventful day that featured – in addition to the workshops – a panel discussion and keynote address from Jen Salinetti of Woven Roots Farm.
A big thank you to all the women professionals who led the day:
Angela Sirois-Pitel & Nicole Kauffman: The Nature Conservancy
Jess Toro: Native Habitat Restoration
Sarah Monteiro: April Hill Farm
Maeven Broderick: Hartney Greymont
Jen Salinetti: Woven Roots Farm
Greenagers also thanks our Conference sponsors: Berkshire Grown, Berkshire Agricultural Ventures, and Berkshire Natural Resources Council.
And finally, a big thank you to all the students who participated in the day, for stepping out of physical and mental comfort zones, for great enthusiasm, and great questions.