Covid-19 Update

To the Greenagers community:

We have been working along as best we can during this ever-changing and difficult time. Our thoughts are with our non-profit colleagues in emergency services and front-line social services. The needs are great and it is heartening to see the Herculean efforts employed by the community at-large.

Our staff continues to work from home and we still encourage youth that hope to work with us to send in their applications. Our date for confirming hiring will be fluid as we follow guidelines from state and federal authorities. At this time, it will not be sooner than April 27.

We continue to get some work accomplished at April Hill Farm. Agriculture is an essential sector and our new fruit and nut trees, shrubs and seeds need to be planted and stewarded. The products of these labors will be more food for our community, direct to those who need it most. If you would like to help provide more food security for our community, visit the Front Lawn Food page of our website. A donated bed could go a long way toward restoring a family’s resilience. When we do begin to peek around the corner of this crisis, the need for gardens, local food, and trails will be stronger than ever. We are eager to meet this need and community efforts to create these opportunities will be one of the many forms of COVID catharsis. Working outdoors will be one of the first, and safest, modes of reconnecting.

Wishing you safety and wellness and looking forward to seeing you in the garden or on the trail.