In the Berkshires and nearby New York and Connecticut, our trail crews maintain existing trails and build new trails for the Appalachian Trail Conservancy, Trustees of Reservations, Columbia Land Conservancy and other conservation organizations. Crewmembers clear fallen trees, pull invasive plants, build scree walls, install water bars to reduce erosion, and build bog bridges and stone steps. Crew leaders—trained in resource management, wildlife biology, forest ecology, or soil science—share their expertise and encourage young people to problem-solve and work together. Crew Members work on crews of 6-8 youth and one crew leader. Starting wage in 2025 is $16.35/hr. Over the course of the season crew members:
- learn the skills necessary to the various jobs with which they are tasked;
- acquire knowledge and familiarity with the tools and vocabulary required to accomplish the work;
- receive on-site training by community specialists, ranging in topic from species identification to stone wall construction;
- connect with community conservation partners;
- find new areas of the Berkshires and beyond to know and love;
- earn money;
- and have a blast!
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