summer build Crew

The Summer Build Crew works at April Hill Farm and Education Center, as well as at job sites in the community, and conservation sites assisting the trails crew. Crew members will work on building projects on the property, as well as completing various ongoing maintenance tasks at April Hill and within its historic buildings.

The build crew will learn a variety of building and construction skills in addition to working with, and gaining knowledge of other construction trades.  Crew members will also be using and learning proper operation of Greenagers’ woodworking shop and equipment. There will be a focus on traditional skills and sustainable practices.

Experience is not necessary, if you have an interest in designing, building, and restoration but haven’t had an opportunity to pursue them, you’re encouraged to apply!  We will be learning on the job and as a group to come up with creative solutions to the tasks at hand.

Build crew hours are 8:30 – 4:30 Monday to Thursday, and will run from the beginning of July to the middle of August.

We will be accepting applications for 2025 Summer Build Crew soon.

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